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PASSPORT Applications Are Now Being Accepted In The Treasurer's Office

Correctional Facility

Correctional Facility

About the Correctional Facility

The Correctional Facility detains inmates as directed by the Courts, provides treatment services and maintains a physical environment assuring the safety of the public, staff and prisoner.  The Correctional Facility also serves as the Central Booking Center for criminal fingerprinting and arraignment, Megan's law processing and fingerprinting for the general public.  The Correctional Facility also offers detainees and sentenced inmates numerous programs that inmates can participate in while housed in the facility.

Quick links found on the left side of the page provide useful information for family and friends of inmates housed in the Correctional Facility.  There are links for information regarding PREA, an Inmate Lookup, a Family Information Guide, directions to the Correctional Facility, and Frequently Asked Questions page to answer many questions you may have about inmate needs and facility operations.

The Mifflin County Correctional Facility maintains a zero tolerance policy regarding institutional sexual harassment, assault or abuse. Policy and procedures to address issues of this nature have been developed and implemented in accordance with the Federal Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Standards.

Employees and inmates' families may report incidents by mailing to:

PREA Coordinator
103 W. Market Street
Lewistown, PA 17044

Contact Information

Mifflin County Courthouse

103 West Market Street

Lewistown, PA 17044






Jason Kormanic

Central Booking Center





Criminal Justice Advisory Board